

2011年9月15日 星期四

Hair Removal Lasers, What the Experts Say

Hair Removal Lasers, What the Experts Say

By Alma Lasers
We’re really proud of our hair removal lasers, especially the Soprano XLi hair removal laser. No other device delivers high average power while utilizing low fluency and high repetition rate to create a new standard in virtually painless laser hair reduction. This revolutionary 810 nm diode laser also gives practitioners the ability to treat all skin types.

The innovative SHR technology and sweeping delivery method, IN MOTION ™ has been compared to a soothing stone massage. Not every hair removal laser can make this claim. So obviously our pride in this hair removal laser is not unwarranted.

But what do the experts say about the Soprano XLi? What do your peers and colleagues think about the Soprano XLi? How does it stack up when compared to other hair removal lasers?

Dr. Martin Braun, Vancouver Laser Center, Vancouver BC, Canada, said, “I believe SHR is the first innovation in laser hair removal in the past 10 years. We are now able to treat all skin types safely, with less pain.”

Dr. Deborah Manjoney, Wisconsin Vein Center and MediSpa, Pewaukee, WI said, “…My patients tell me it is the only hair removal device that has ever worked for them…” Dr. Manjoney provided some additional information in a video recently. For your convenience, the video is below:


2011年9月7日 星期三


以色列最大醫美儀器原廠舉辦 Special Live Webinar, 主題是"透過收集客人的推薦與心得的行銷手法增加投資報酬率"。 行銷是醫美診所相當重要的環節,若能成功掌握正確有效的行銷方式,就能替診所帶來更多的客源。口碑行銷是資訊時代一定要會的基本功,以最小的預算,達到最大的行銷效益,將診所以品牌的概念來經營,創造高投資報酬率。
若欲參加此由Alma Lasers舉辦的Webinar,醫師可以透過線上報名,在網路上參加此線上研討會,欲參加請至此網站報名註冊: http://www.turbomedicalmarketing.com/alma-webinar/

Alma LasersHaving trouble seeing this?View it as a web page.
Special Live Webinar Presentation

"Word of Mouth"  Marketing
Collecting Patient Testimonials
to increase your ROI
Timeless Beauty
Date:  Wednesday,
           September 14th
Time:  7:00pm (Central)
Register Online Now!
or Call Today at 1.866.414.2562
                                      ext 2009
Please join Social Media Expert Matt Ardnt, Turbo Social Media, as he discusses the
importance of collecting practice reviews, and how a great patient testimonial will
increase your bottom line.
Topics for the webinar include:
  • "Word of mouth" advertising
  • Steps to getting a great review
  • What to do with your patient testimonial
  • Getting the word out with mutliple social media tactics
7:00pm - 7:05pm   Introduction
7:05pm - 7:50pm   Presentation
7:50pm - 8:00pm   Question and Answer period
No Charge
Can't make the live Webinar broacast.
Contact us atevents@almalasers.com
and we will forward the recorded program
to you.
If you are new to Social Media, this is a "no brainer" first step into building your online reputation and making yourself visible in the social media space.
If you are already using Social Media programs such as blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc…, then this program will greatly enhance your results, expand your reach, and give your practice a leg up on the competition.

For more information, please contact
Karen at 224-377-2009 or email events@almalasers.com
Register Online Now!
http://www.almalasers.com/ | 1.866.414.ALMA
485 Half Day Road, Suite 100, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Alma Lasers
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