

2013年2月28日 星期四

ClearLift - Fractionated Non Ablative Skin Resurfacing

Q畫素拉皮雷射 ClearLift   Alma公司革命性臨床應用證實
免動刀、無傷口、不上麻藥、無修復期 - 臉部肌膚拉提、撫平細紋、緊緻頸部鬆弛現象改善

THE VIEW featured ClearLift from Alma Lasers. The "Plastic Surgery Without Surgery" segment featured Dr. Bruce Katz from Juva Dermatology in New York City talking about the treatment.

Dr. Katz stated, "The ClearLift by Alma is a revolutionary new technology that offers no pain or downtime" A tightening treatment of the neck took place and there were very impressive results that were shared with B&A's after just 4 treatments.

Skin Resurfacing, ClearLift on the View

ClearLift, When You're Not Ready for the Knife

ClearLift, Skin Resurfacing, Non Ablative, No Knifes, No Downtime - and Virtually Painless

The View is ABC's popular morning talk and entertainment program, featuring a team of dynamic women of different ages, experiences and backgrounds discussing the most exciting events of the day. ABC News correspondent Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg and former Survivor Elisabeth Hasselbeck are part of the panel. The View celebrated its 3000th show and is now in its 14th season on ABC.

MonaLisa Touch - V2LR (Vulvo-Vaginal Laser Reshaping)

MonaLisa Touch - V2LR (Vulvo-Vaginal Laser Reshaping)
義大利雷射大廠-DEKA Laser公司,世界先例首創利用特殊波形雷射應用,針對在女性生殖系統會隨著歲月增長、生產過後以及生活習慣的不同,造成內陰道壁上皮黏膜老化萎縮、乾澀與退化等問題的改善上。


MonaLisa Touch treatment by SmartXide2 (V2LR)  DEKA Laser 2012 - YouTube

MonaLisa Touch - Presented the first clinical results to Italian Press - YouTube

MonaLisa Touch專屬網站按此

2013年2月19日 星期二

The AAD 71st Annual Meeting 2013

Alma 原廠公司在美國一年一度皮膚科醫學會所舉行的2013年3月1~5日學術研討會,將會連續三天3月2~4日(週六、週日、週一)提供最新、最熱門的演講及討論主題,各位醫師若有機會出席的話,歡迎至活動會場的攤位號碼2125參觀。

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