Alma Lasers is proud to introduce the Pixel©RF module for fractionated skin resurfacing. The fast, innovative PixelRF technology delivers results for all skin types (Fitzpatrick I-VI) with no seasonal restrictions. The therapy requires minimal downtime and minimizes the discomfort for the patient. Best of all, the PixelRF consumes no costly per treatment disposables.
Micro Plasma Technology™
Using proprietary In-Motion™ Micro Plasma Technology, which both ablates and heats the skin through a controlled, focused delivery of energy, PixelRF treats just the targeted tissue. The healthy skin around the treated area then helps to accelerate the healing process. This improves results and reduces patient down time.The PixelRF is highly effective for skin resurfacing of all skin types (Fitzpatrick I – VI) and, because it has no seasonal restrictions, it can help patients fight the signs of aging all year round. This means that you can help more patients reclaim their fresh, smooth and radiant skin every month of the year. Best of all, the PixelRF does not require a per-treatment disposable.
Unlike dermal rollers or low power bipolar radio frequency applicators that superficially ablate and heat the skin, the PixelRF causes evaporation, mechanical damage and thermal damage deep beneath the epidermis-dermis surface providing significant dermal impact with minimal epidermal disruption.
創新"微創電漿飛梭"科技 - 不同於一般過去飛梭雷射治療皮膚病灶方式,利用電漿原理特性,患者無論膚色、無季節性限制地可接受緊緻煥膚治療,均有極佳的效果,其作用效果深度比只用微針滾輪或低能量RF的淺層表皮還來的更深,電漿形成的封閉性微創傷口及熱效應,能縮短術後修復期及避免感染風險